Life coaching can help you find your happiness

Life coaching can help you find your happiness

“ Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate”
– Vince Lombardi, considered one of the greatest coaches in American football history (1913 – 1970)

Our lives abound with infinite possibilities and we have chosen every element of the life that we live today. How many of us know that we are free to shape our destiny and deserve a meaningful existence of supreme happiness? This thought, which should seemingly liberate us often ultimately, scares us into paralysis.

Freewill can be a daunting vortex; what if we make the wrong decision, what will people think? Negativity thwarts our dreams almost as quickly as they begin to form. We are blinded by our own conditioning instilled since childhood and protection mechanisms that we have created in response to life experiences. It is almost impossible for us to see past our own negative self-talk and perceive a true path to freedom. A life coach is a helping hand, your guide to take you through the looking glass. They are independent facilitators that have nothing to gain except your growth.

I wholeheartedly believe that everybody should have a life coach at some point in their life. A successful life coaching relationship should be a short lived one. They are not your crutch to get you through life or to make your decisions for you. In fact a coach should never make any decisions for you. As Vince Lombardi said, “ is not so much outlining plays on a blackboard that aids us in achieving greatness..”. This information can be found in any self-help book anywhere in the world. It is the ability of the life coach to guide us to a safe place where anything is possible.

I found the UAE Coaching website late one night and I am eternally grateful that I did. It was a decision that changed my life. I actually thought I was perfectly happy in the life I was leading, but felt there was that little sparkle missing. The cherry was missing off my cake and I wasn’t sure where to find it!

Adam contacted me within 12 hours of submitting my enquiry and put me right at ease with his humor. A key to getting the most out of a coach is to remember that they are not perfect, judgmental superhuman beings that do no wrong. They are on the exact voyage of discovery that you are, so they are nothing to be scared of! What makes them special is that they understand the process behind realising your true motivations in life.

It is the disciplined process of sitting down and putting pen to paper. The act of creating a clear action plan and devising the tools you need to achieve each goal in incremental steps so that you don’t become overwhelmed. Then they hold you accountable for each action.

Adam and I meet for one hour every two weeks, which is the perfect amount of time for me to implement each action point that we have agreed upon in a session. It also gives me ample time to adjust to my new level of thinking. In my second session Adam made me realise that I must always think bigger than my business currently is. I thought I understood this point at the time, but it was not until my fifth session that the magnitude of this statement truly hit home. It was a game changer, opening a universe of possibilities that I am now implementing.

Life coaching is perceived as an expensive service only used by highflying CEO’s, however we are all CEOs of our own lives. If I can truthfully tell you that after only three sessions with Adam I was now living the life I always wanted to live, then you would have to agree this is the most valuable experience you can ever have. Adam boosts this value on a daily basis with unlimited access to his extensive contacts,resources and support.

I now have my own company, brilliant clients, my first employee; and best of all the freedom to travel and live each day exactly as I choose. Why waste time bashing through the tall grass struggling to find your way when you can soar on the jet stream. I know which one I chose.

If you are interested in a free strategy session with Adam or one of his team of coaches please click here

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