Discover my 3 year olds happiness secret

Discover my 3 year olds happiness secret

“To be happy today what has to happen?”
My son gave an unexpected answer…

I ❤️ to ask these questions.
it must be the coach in me 🤓

Every 🚗 to school is an opportunity to learn my 3 year old boys world 🌎

To dig, be curious 🤔 and connect deeply


>He did not say teacher telling him a nice comment
>Nor a sticker
>Or for other kids to play
>Not even daddy bringing him snacks after school

His actual answer was so surprising and powerfully deep.

It can be a great lesson for all of you reading.

To help you overcome your current frustration and worries.

To change how you see your world 🌎 ✨️
That is always a big part of the battle.

His answer ?

“If I am breathing ”

It knocked me for six.
My heart melted
My own worries about the future went.

The gift in life is to appreciate the wonders of every day. The present magical breath.

The breath you are taking right now is amazing and makes you already a winner.

From that state and solid foundation you can be happy now and put the energy into being more and having more.

YOU can strive for that promotion or payrise
YOU can strive for an ever better marriage or family life
YOU can strive to become more.

Thanks dear Alex for the reminder ❤️ 🙏

I love to help ambitious leaders (and talented teens) to understand their strengths and become even happier and more confident as they grow.

DM if you want more info or an initial intake

PS – As he is happy I am sure he wont need those haribo snacks after school then 😆

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