Warren is an energetic motivation speaker. He captivated us with his words and I can honesty say I have never seen someone with so much energy. He really inspired us to seek more from ourselves and our team has risen to the challenge.
Our senior leadership team has really benefitted from having a coach help us see the bigger picture and help organise our team. We now work better together and try to support rather than hinder progress.
I came out of the workshop full of happiness and looking around the feeling was plentiful in my staff. The mood in the office since the event has been a joy. We are choosing every day to be happy!
Strength Finder has completely changed our teams way of thinking and interacting. The workshop and training was fantastic and what could have seemed complex was explained well.
Fatema was excellent in her delivery of the SMART workshop. It was a highly interactive experience and we are so glad that we invested in it.
The Happy Ever After workshop by Linda Chaccour was a great success. Our employees all said they enjoyed it and it gave them a greater zest for life.
Coaching has helped me greatly in my profession. It has helped me get over my fear of presentations and also to organise my thoughts in a more positive way.
I have always been successful and am a keen advocate for learning new information and strategies to keep on top of my game. Coaching has been a great eye opener and I believe I have developed further through coaching and seeing things from a different perspective.