5 Ways to Discover Your Passion and Choose To Live Life

5 Ways to Discover Your Passion and Choose To Live Life

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses…The gift is yours—it is an amazing journey—and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.” ~Bob Moawad

In this blog find 5 simple ways to take ownership of your life and your unique journey. Through reading this we can help support you in finding a career you are truly passionate about and that reflects your unique values and experiences.

1. Relax with “ME time”:

When we take the time to relax we are able to rediscover the best version of ourselves, which is most often when we find the answers we’ve been searching for. This might mean practicing yoga, going for daily walks, setting aside time each day to meditate and think through things or even write our thoughts and ideas in a journal. Taking time out to have your “ME time” allows you to quiet the outside voices and listen to yourself. When was the last time you took some time out and some of the above? Is anything more important than you?

2. Rewrite your story:

Every day we are telling ourselves stories about who we are, what we’re capable of, and what we deserve. If we can identify our self-limiting stories (I’m not good enough; I don’t deserve to be happy, etc.), then we can begin rewriting new stories that are grounded in confidence and courage, and map out actions that move us from one to the other.Would you want to read a negative ending in which you are the main character? No! Its time to go back to the happy ever after stories of our childhood and write one for yourself.

3. Own your uniqueness:

We are all here for a reason and we all have skills and qualities that when added together are unique to us. No one else has your unique blend of talents, strengths, skills, creativity and the past experiences that you have gone through and that have shaped you. We all have something great to offer, and learning to accept and own what makes you unique is crucial to sharing your gifts with the world. Would your swap the feelings of living one day doing what you most want compared to 10 years of something you hate!

4. Discover and understand your patterns:

It is so important to take time to reflect on the past experiences so that you can learn from them for the future. Were there recurring patterns in your career to date that triggers the emotions of unfulfilment and disillusionment you are feeling right now? What are you magnetized to again and again? What areas of life do you attract that seem to be full of discomfort and pain? What of your career in the past bought happiness?

5. Push past fear and see the journey ahead as fun:

Now is the right time. Time is finite and so it is important to make the most of each second. It is never to late to find your calling and be fulfilled in your personal life and career life. You must identify the excuses that you are and will make as decisions over career or relationships become closer as masks for our fear. Some excuses are listed below:

Excuses About Time
1. I’m too busy to do what I love.
2. I don’t have time to discover what I’m passionate about.
3. I’ve already put a lot of time into a different path.
4. I’ll do it—someday.
5. It’s too late for me now.
Excuses About Money
6. I don’t have the money to get started.
7. I need to continue earning exactly what I earn now.
8. I can’t make any changes until I pay off my debt.
9. I need a bigger safety net before I take a risk.
10. What if I can’t make any money at it?
Excuses About Knowledge
11. I don’t know where to start.
12. I don’t know enough to start.
13. I’m not smart enough to succeed.
14. I don’t know if I can make it.
15. I’m not an expert.
Excuses About Other People
16. My friends and family don’t think I can do this.
17. My friends and family don’t think I should do this.
18. I need to focus on the people who need me.
19. I don’t have anyone to do this with.
20. It’s all about who you know—and I don’t know the right people.
Excuses About Probability
21. Things likely wouldn’t pan out.
22. Many people have tried to do this and failed.
23. I’ll probably be scared and uncomfortable if I try.
24. I’m not sure if this is the “right” decision.
25. There aren’t any guarantees.

As leading coaches we will share with you the amazing OAR v BED tool that will blow these excuses out of your vocabulary.
It’s only when we get clear on our fears and recognise how they are preventing us from moving to a better life and to being a better person that we can truly feel alive again. When we help you discover a career doing something you are passionate about you will never feel like you are working again.

Recommended Book:

The monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma.


Is NOW the best time for you to get the career and personal life that you deserve?
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2 thoughts on “5 Ways to Discover Your Passion and Choose To Live Life”

    1. Thanks Nick! We love the positive action you are taking in the community, making Dubai a fitter place. The mind and the body have got to be equally strong and working in unison for true greatness.

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